Peer Review Policy


IR-Press peer review service is implemented to ensure that the best academic books are published and distributed. Peer review is not only an essential part of the publishing process of the academic article, but also of books. Peer review encourages authors to search for scientific breakthroughs.

Publish With Us

We welcome books from all fields of science. International Research Press accepts theses, habilitation works, research reports, conference reports, research notes, compilation of articles. IR-Press is not a journal publisher. The research will be published as a monograph (academic book publication).

Peer Review

Peer Review Supervisory Editor evaluates every submitted manuscript. Manuscripts are rejected or approved at this stage. Authors will be informed about the decision by email within 2 days. We will perform a preliminary review and send the abstract to the reviewer. Reviewer should send us back an email confirmation with information if referee request is accepted or denied. Reviewer will also examine subsequent revisions. Reviewers submit their report directly to Peer Review Supervisory Editor. IR-Press peer review is a premium paid service.
Type of Peer Review
A single-blind review is performed (the referee remains anonymous to the author throughout the entire process). Reviewers may disclose their identity if they want to. The referee is selected according to professional expertise. Our board of reviewers is being regularly updated. The review board consists of more than 100 experts.
Review report

We want the reviewer to evaluate the manuscript and reply the following questions: Is manuscript original? Is the quality of research and data appropriate? Is this research important to the scientific community? Length of the referee review report is determined by the manuscript volume. Proofreading and language correction are not included in peer review process. The peer review takes 40, 20 or 10 working days depending on the time factor chosen by the author. The review report will be sent to the author along with the comments and recommendations made by the reviewer. We do not change or correct referees’ reports. However, in some cases, we may remove offensive
comments. Reviewers should avoid offensive statements.

Becoming a referee

We are currently gathering a team of experts in various scientific fields to take part in the Board of Reviewers. Apply here to join our Board of Reviewers! To apply, you must have a doctoral degree. (Ph.D. students can also apply for the position of the reviewer)
Supervising Editor

Contact Dmitrii Ghimisli (Peer Review Supervisory Editor) for more information: